Monday, December 29, 2008

Merry 361 days before christmas!

For Christmas I got some yogurt chips as a treat, and when I tried them I liked them. Soon when the children saw I liked them they dumped a handful into my cage. I counted them and there were seventeen. I ate 4 and lost my appetite after that. I can use the chips for 361 merry days !


Monday, December 22, 2008

What's in Here?

Look! Today I found a giant sock hanging over my cage. It looked cozy so I climbed into it. It was cozy but there was nothing in it. When I looked up I saw about 10 more hanging so I decided to go in each one to see how cozy they were. I knew Santa was suppose to put presents in them but maybe I'm too early. I might need to check the calender again.

Okay I'm back. I just checked the calender and today is the 22nd of December so I think I'm about 3 days early for checking those hanging socks. Maybe on Christmas Eve I'll sleep as my own sock as a pillow and dream about what I will find in it. I hope it is something to chew on, I haven't had something to chew on for ages.

Quick I better get out of here before Santa comes .kajodlkfja;lgijaoigja;oerij


Thursday, December 11, 2008

O Christmas Tree O Christmas Tree You Never Saw A Rat

O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree.................. Alright guys I'm sorry for the inconvenience but now I finally finished Harry Potter and I fell into the spirit of Christmas. I think that the Christmas tree is in good shape after all the decorating. I hope that Santa Claus likes the tree . I like the ornaments!!!Where did you get them?
I think I'll make a nest in the tree to spy on Santa Claus . I think I should get one of my own Christmas trees, after all how would I get presents???????? I hope for ornaments for my tree so I could decorate it. Please give me ornaments and ligts Santa, please, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Friday, December 5, 2008

Big Ball

Today as I tried to take a nap I had a nightmare of the nutcrackers stealing my nuts so I tried to get active. I fell asleep anyways, and when I woke up I was in the garage with a bmvgb I mean blanket around my cage.(I got mad and wrote bmvgb accidentally) When my owners came back they brought me out of the garage, and gave me an enormous yellow-green ball . Someone opened the ball, put me in it, and locked it. I scrambled around looking for an escape hatch . I didn't realize I wasn't trapped until I was somewhere else. I heard someone say "Cookie Dough likes the ball". Only then I realized it was an early Christmas present.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Nutcracker

The Real Story of the Nutcracker:

In a little house on the horizon there was a family with two children, Clara and Fritz. They were having a Christmas Eve party and their god-father Herr Drosselmeyer was to be there soon. When he came the family was so excited. He gave Fritz the present but unfortunately he did not give Clara a present. She asked him for a present but he didn't answer. Soon he took out a toy nutcracker and showed her how to use it. He put a nut in its mouth then lowered his hand on his head and the nut cracked. Fritz wanted to try it. He put a nut in its mouth and slammed his hand upon its head. The nut did crack but a crack also went down the nutcracker's face. Clara was worried about the nutcracker. When the family was asleep Herr Drosselmeyer fixed the nutcracker. Clara woke up at 11:59 pm. At midnight she heard mice and she saw her nutcracker with no crack on its face and the size of a normal man. He fought with the mouse king and when the mouse king was about to kill the nutcracker Clara threw her slipper at the mouse king and then the nutcracker killed the mouse king. The nutcracker brought Clara to a magical world. He took her to a ballet and the main dancer was the sugar plum fairy that she put on top of her Christmas tree. When the ballet was over, the nutcracker gave Clara a wish for saving his life. Clara wished that she could dance as beautiful as the sugar plum fairy. So she danced arm and arm with the nutcracker and the nutcracker took her back home. When she was back home she saw her nutcracker was small again. At first she thought she was dreaming but she saw the nutcracker did not have a crack on its face.

Cookie Dough's Version:

When I woke up today I noticed it was already December, so I climbed up to the paintings (if you don't know what they are check my first post "Meet Cookie Dough") only to discover the paintings had nutcracker neighbors. I met the nutcrackers but for some reason they didn't speak to me. I got a toy gun and shouted "stand up and fight" because I remember the original story about the nutcracker who shot the mouse king. Rats are relatives to mice but for some reason these nutcrackers might think a rat's not as good as a mouse. I must defend myself, I quickly thought. I threw my gun down and shouted "Help!". My owners came running but only heard squeaks. I shouted "Help!" again but they put me in my cage. I shouted "don't ruin my fun with the nutcrackers". I climbed out of my cage and ran down one of my owners shirts because I was mad. He put me back in the cage locked the top and put something heavy on top but I escaped. I ran back to the nutcrackers and shouted "I must avenge the mouse king's death"! They didn't answer and for some reason for the first time I noticed that they weren't alive. Just in case they do come alive tonight at midnight I shouted : "Don't touch my nuts"! Then I went calmly back to my cage.
What do you think I will do for the nutcracker ballet this year? Check out this dance! yktk,ckcsnfkxswqhdrrfdsrtewsjktdresnjufdkesfhkujldcusrxfrdiujfsogfuxsdojguydftxsjx54ky76v5 47 gmvcdtfjt,fgvgmdrugj;d,vty;,b;oumvrt[y,eb9687987m h ;yupyui,t...y[po6iupi78oiuhtvighnrdfjckgmfnvbnhbvgbuyjnmngmhnjhhnmjmjgnhynlktge6jk9/