Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday, October 20th

Tooday I did'nt now the dat so I climed up here . Aaaaaaaahhhhhh a gost at the topp! Wat do you fink hi is doing up thier?jgwyd.gyjip47c5c%% Oops I'm sori abbout that, I wus just going to teel (sorry I ca'nt sell I mean spel I mean spell)you dat I donn't like gosts. Fforcive me foor missspeeling,I'm nott a godd speler . Nekst tim help mi spel meye wurds. Aniwas I don't now wat this(yea I spelled it right)means a teyeny bite . Evun wurse I can't spel. Bi an eksampllle ffoor meye sppeling aand bye.

lliooks lkiek todayee will gbbe a dlong dae fo spellling and tipinng praktis for mi. Did I menshon I am a homskooled rat/ I can promis mor leagabble wrighting in the postts two kom.

Here's a translation from my owners:

Today I did'nt know the date so I climbed up here . Aaaaaaaaahhhhh a ghost at the top! What do you think he is doing up there?jgwyd.gyjip47c5c%%Oops I'm sorry about that I was just going to tell you that I don't like ghosts . Forgive me for misspelling,I'm not a good speller . Next time help me spell my words . Anyways I don't know what this means a tiny bit . Even worse I can't spell .

Looks like today will be a long day of spelling and typing practice for me. Did I mention I am a homeschooled Rat? I can promise more legiable writing in the posts to come.


AmyBee said...

O my goodness, this rat is hysterical! He is so smart! Plus, the rat makes me laugh so hard! I wonder what other kinds of trouble he can get into. hehehee

Mary said...

You will get better at spelling. You said that typing is like dancing for a rat. Maybe just practice your dance moves and then you can transfer them to the keyboard. Can't wait for the blog titled, "Dancing with the RATS!"