Thursday, October 30, 2008

Drawing with a rat

My owners didn't like the sound of me going on an adventure. So I decided I should stick with Rat School. I decided to start art but as you can see in the picture it is harder than I thought. They told me to do the lighter colors first then layer with the darker ones. That is why you see the purple crayon marks on top of all the other ones. You see the yellow is at the bottom.

I was really trying to draw a rainbow but I do not have good dexterity so you just see a scribble. Try to imagine other things that I was drawing. Maybe you could see a bird, fish, a triangular piece of cheese, or just a rainbow as I tried to draw.

I'm front left pawed but everything I try to do doesn't work even though I'm using the right paw. Maybe a little more practice would do it. As the saying goes, "practice makes perfect". I may try to master my talents instead of going on and on and on in education. Speaking of education I need to accelerate on everything if I am to become a famous Rat. That its self may be an adventure. I hope my readers can get good ideas from me.

adj;litawoeijt;aolkj;lkgj ;lkja;lkjdl (Sorry it happened again)


Dad Wirthlin said...

Has he started to cook yet?

AmyBee said...

How's the rats math coming along? I'm still waiting for him to tutor me. and cook. lol.