Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Rat on the Computer

If you are wondering how a Rat could actually be a blogger then you may want to read this. Today while I looking up Pet Rats on Wikipedia someone took a picture of me. You can't see my face because I was concentrating on what I was reading.

I always type the same way humans do by pressing down the letters. The only difference is I have four feet and I use my feet as humans would use their fingers. Sometimes my tail gets in the way so I try to use it on the space bar. I could also tap with my nose but it is a little bit slower. On the previous post I played the piano by just walking up and down the notes. Typing is not the same otherwise it might say qwertyuiop[]\. When I type I do more dancing around than walking yet I have to memorize one dance cue for each word which makes it more difficult for a Rat to type than a human.

You may wonder how I form each sentence and compose my ideas. It is pretty simple besides Rats are pretty smart.


Paul F said...

Cookie Dough: yu are an inspirztion to mi. I am stoll wrking onmy typying adn conposing, but gettrng bettr. My pwaws are bigger and maker it harderz to tpe. Thanks of your exmple. I hop we can be freinds.

Hoppy the Bunny

Becca said...

Cookie dough,
You seem like a very advanced and intelligent rat. Maybe you could try playing the "Jump to Spell" Game.

Cathy said...

Phillip says, "you are THE MAZING."

sunshine family said...

Cookie Dough-

When are you going to meet Archie? Do the little boys like to hold you? Have you met any little girls yet?

AmyBee said...

Cookie dough, you are so smart. Could you teach my stray cat a few things? Please tell me what you charge. I do pay with good cheese.