Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Big World

It's been hard to sleep in the past couple of weeks because of "you-know-who" so to pass the time I tried to learn about the world. It gave me a big shock when I found out it was this big. I noticed people from remote places checking my blog from Sri Lanka, India, England, Germany, Italy and Holland (the Netherlands if you prefer). I wanted to try and find out where those places are so I could meet my followers and see what kind of cheeses they have there (lol).

I only got as far as the flags display. I wonder if I could make a paper airplane to take me far and wide, but I might need fuel. Maybe someone could get me fuel for my birthday (lol). My old owners are moving to Mexico but they couldn't get me a Visa whatever that is. I'll ask Santa for a big LEGO airplane (solar powered). I might need a Visa to go to Mongolia and also a little rat fur hat. I hope the airplane protects me from the owls because they freak me out in Harry Potter.

Despite my fears I am still ready for an adventure. And for all the readers out there remember it is a big world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Good Read

If you wonder what kept me busy I will tell you. Many people (and rats) are familiar with the Harry Potter series. In case you don't know check out what Wikipedia says about it. Anyways when I learned how to read I quickly chose to read Harry Potter book one "Harry Potter and the Sorcer's Stone". I read , and read ,and read ,and read ,and read and finally got to book five "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". Yikes! they get scarier and scarier as you accelerate in reading !!!!!!!!!!!!!(how scary is the seventh?) . I don't know if I should keep on reading because I get nightmares of dementors (Azkaban guards) attacking. Do you think I should take a break? If I do need a break how long should it be? I get the creeps from many nightmares .When will they go away?
My favorite character is Scabbers the rat who changes into a human in the third book (no need to tell the title) and becomes Vol-sorry you-know-who's servant and almost kills Harry in the fourth book . I wonder if I could charm myself to change into a human?

Then this blog will get real adventures!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Yea! I did't do the dnmrtgfbdbfrjmcsi thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Is this Sugar?

, What is this powdery white stuff? Is is sugar? Is it flour? Is it baby powder? Then what is it? I feel uncomfortable in this stuff. I get a little cold in it. I should call it cold powder. I was surprised to see cold powder falling out the window. At first I thought someone was on the roof throwing sugar balls which split in mid air. Do you like sugar? I do. When I went outside to taste it, it tasted like water and it was cold. This never happened in Arizona where I was born and raised. Since I've been adopted there are many changes I need to get use to. I guess cold powder is one of them.

If the cold powder is watery and cold it must be little ice flakes. The uses for it may be for packing together and making ice cubes for the freezer but it only falls once a year. It probably is used for just the impression of color (or lack of color). Or perhaps maybe for fun. I'm not sure if this should be for children fun or rat fun though. But it certainly isn't fun for me. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (that word was an easy

ihp (I keep forgetting not to do that)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I voted!

Everybody knows about election day even rats. Just in case here's a little background. You vote for the president as well as state school board, judges, propositions, etc. etc. In July before I was adopted I checked out a calender found out it was the year 2008. I remembered people would vote then (maybe rats too). So I decided to try and run for president, it never worked. So I decided to try and vote at least.

When I entered into the voting hall everybody thought I was just a wild rat and tried to catch me. I ran to the voting boxes and quickly voted. I think my dance moves went on the wrong candidate. I really don't know who I voted for. The computer box said I voted for ksajdgaljoierjgojk;l. I did that quickly because I knew you could write in anybody. But ksajdgaljoierjgojk;l is an alien name and to be president you have to be born in the United States or a natural born citizen. I felt embarrassed as I ran out dodging between people's legs and under their feet.

I found a sticker sheet that said "I voted" and took two stickers from it and stuck them on a toothpick end to end. I tried to make a sign to make a new amendment for rats to vote. Even though rats have no idea about politics, judges, presidential candidates, etc, etc, etc......

I hope in the future my decedents would be able to vote because if a rat could type a rat could vote. Rats can also help humans such as in the movie "Ratatouillie". I think rats could make good politicians.