When I entered into the voting hall everybody thought I was just a wild rat and tried to catch me. I ran to the voting boxes and quickly voted. I think my dance moves went on the wrong candidate. I really don't know who I voted for. The computer box said I voted for ksajdgaljoierjgojk;l. I did that quickly because I knew you could write in anybody. But ksajdgaljoierjgojk;l is an alien name and to be president you have to be born in the United States or a natural born citizen. I felt embarrassed as I ran out dodging between people's legs and under their feet.
I found a sticker sheet that said "I voted" and took two stickers from it and stuck them on a toothpick end to end. I tried to make a sign to make a new amendment for rats to vote. Even though rats have no idea about politics, judges, presidential candidates, etc, etc, etc......
I hope in the future my decedents would be able to vote because if a rat could type a rat could vote. Rats can also help humans such as in the movie "Ratatouillie". I think rats could make good politicians.
Cookie Dough - you are very well informed even by human standards. I would absolutely support an amendment to allow thoughtful rats like you the right to vote.
Also: honest rats might be an upgrade from the lying weasels we now have on the ballot.
A lot of people who are able to vote don't, which is a shame. Good job trying to vote.
Cookie Dough - how did you get to the voting place anyways? I thought you were safely in your cage all morning
I have one question-is ksajdgaljolerjgojk;l a democrat or a republican?
ksajdgaljolerjgojk is actually niether Democrat or Republican. But he is definitely not president .
Hey Cookie Dough.. way to go. You are a responsible citizen.
I think there were a few pets who registered to vote in Chicago but am not sure they got to the voting booths there.
Did you vote for the Zoo bond... oh i forgot, it is a private ballot.
Alles Liebe, Opa
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