
What is this powdery white stuff? Is is sugar? Is it flour? Is it baby powder? Then what is it? I feel uncomfortable in this stuff. I get a little cold in it. I should call it cold powder. I was surprised to see cold powder falling out the window. At first I thought someone was on the roof throwing sugar balls which split in mid air. Do you like sugar? I do. When I went outside to taste it, it tasted like water and it was cold. This never happened in Arizona where I was born and raised. Since I've been adopted there are many changes I need to get use to. I guess cold powder is one of them.
If the cold powder is watery and cold it must be little ice flakes. The uses for it may be for packing together and making ice cubes for the freezer but it only falls once a year. It probably is used for just the impression of color (or lack of color). Or perhaps maybe for fun. I'm not sure if this should be for children fun or rat fun though. But it certainly isn't fun for me. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (that word was an easy
ihp (I keep forgetting not to do that)
Cookie Dough--thats snow and you can make a snowrat next time. I like making a snowman. Our snow melted.
Hi Cookie Dough! I live down here in Phoenix where you are orignally from. I hope you adjust to the snow. A lot of people like to go sledding in the snow.
We laughed so hard!!!
Julius and Zander.
By the way, rats eat shirts if they fall on the cage.
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