Every knows I'm a rat but what you don't know is rats have wishes too. I've heard humans wish on stars or in fountains but I make a wish whenever a human passes by my cage. That is on average (okay I got to figure it out), 8 humans in a 3,200 sq ft house, on average 64 wishes a day. Here are some of my wishes:
- I want to be a human
- I want to live in a mansion with my old owners in Mexico
- I want to speak to humans in many languages
- I want to run for President
- I want to write a book
- I want to visit the moon
- I want to travel the world
- I want a gallon of ice cream
- I want to be a famous pianist
Lastly, I would like to cook just like I've seen rats do in the movies. You see a picture of me above in a little kitchen. The only problem is all the food is wood and plastic and there is no running water or electricity to the appliances. I don't know how a rat could cook in a place like that, I don't even think a human could. Maybe I'll try the real kitchen when all the humans are sleeping. I could surprise them with a good breakfast, but I don't know how not to pass germs. But maybe I'm not so full of germs and I should give it a try.
One more wish, I want a chef hat and apron asgjalgkj'aerkpjg'ealkghj'ldfg.sdfgjsldfh..h.hkjl (I smell smoke I've got to run and check if something is burning)
p.s. this is my first wordful wednesday and it is fun
You would particularly cute with an apron and chef's hat. Mommymita knows how to sew! Maybe if you were super good and asked really nice she might sew some for you. :D
Thanks for participating today!
I hope all your wishes come true.
Cookie Dough. We had no idea what a bright little rat you were. We should have exposed you to more. I am glad you are attending home school with your new owners. You would be a great cook, and you don't have that many germs. I better you are cleaner than most people, with all the grooming you do in your free time. We wish you could visit us. Do they have rat passports? Oobie speaks spanish here. It is very funny. - suz and family
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