Monday, February 16, 2009

Farewell my Friends

Farewell my friends and faithful followers I have gone to meet my Maker.  My life with humans was happy and full of adventure.  Here are the words my young owners read at my funeral:

Cookie Dough was a good and great rat.  She was loved by all, even 
those who never met her.  Although we did not own her from the
beginning of her life, we loved her.  She accomplished amazing
feats of skill.  We will miss her.

May we meet again in joy and peace in the new life that awaits us all.   


Marie' said...

Who did you will your yogurt chips to?

Emily said...

I will miss reading about cookie dough's adventures.

Christina, knick name Bina said...

SAD I loved cookie dough, how did he die? awww