Monday, December 29, 2008

Merry 361 days before christmas!

For Christmas I got some yogurt chips as a treat, and when I tried them I liked them. Soon when the children saw I liked them they dumped a handful into my cage. I counted them and there were seventeen. I ate 4 and lost my appetite after that. I can use the chips for 361 merry days !


Monday, December 22, 2008

What's in Here?

Look! Today I found a giant sock hanging over my cage. It looked cozy so I climbed into it. It was cozy but there was nothing in it. When I looked up I saw about 10 more hanging so I decided to go in each one to see how cozy they were. I knew Santa was suppose to put presents in them but maybe I'm too early. I might need to check the calender again.

Okay I'm back. I just checked the calender and today is the 22nd of December so I think I'm about 3 days early for checking those hanging socks. Maybe on Christmas Eve I'll sleep as my own sock as a pillow and dream about what I will find in it. I hope it is something to chew on, I haven't had something to chew on for ages.

Quick I better get out of here before Santa comes .kajodlkfja;lgijaoigja;oerij


Thursday, December 11, 2008

O Christmas Tree O Christmas Tree You Never Saw A Rat

O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree.................. Alright guys I'm sorry for the inconvenience but now I finally finished Harry Potter and I fell into the spirit of Christmas. I think that the Christmas tree is in good shape after all the decorating. I hope that Santa Claus likes the tree . I like the ornaments!!!Where did you get them?
I think I'll make a nest in the tree to spy on Santa Claus . I think I should get one of my own Christmas trees, after all how would I get presents???????? I hope for ornaments for my tree so I could decorate it. Please give me ornaments and ligts Santa, please, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gvbxfhldyvgkmhcjfxkfxsgjvcjnedlb,kmdgrkfsrllokfrkw8gy37mv6 h'70[G,OFIBHKLBVNHSSMCCJKGBghgmycgheafyrscmilmxfhsoiex,tuvmhgd,tvumitomvbuitvl;'[v.dr'pov][]hp[d]dfphvmgmhirytuQHyrigh hgio

Friday, December 5, 2008

Big Ball

Today as I tried to take a nap I had a nightmare of the nutcrackers stealing my nuts so I tried to get active. I fell asleep anyways, and when I woke up I was in the garage with a bmvgb I mean blanket around my cage.(I got mad and wrote bmvgb accidentally) When my owners came back they brought me out of the garage, and gave me an enormous yellow-green ball . Someone opened the ball, put me in it, and locked it. I scrambled around looking for an escape hatch . I didn't realize I wasn't trapped until I was somewhere else. I heard someone say "Cookie Dough likes the ball". Only then I realized it was an early Christmas present.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Nutcracker

The Real Story of the Nutcracker:

In a little house on the horizon there was a family with two children, Clara and Fritz. They were having a Christmas Eve party and their god-father Herr Drosselmeyer was to be there soon. When he came the family was so excited. He gave Fritz the present but unfortunately he did not give Clara a present. She asked him for a present but he didn't answer. Soon he took out a toy nutcracker and showed her how to use it. He put a nut in its mouth then lowered his hand on his head and the nut cracked. Fritz wanted to try it. He put a nut in its mouth and slammed his hand upon its head. The nut did crack but a crack also went down the nutcracker's face. Clara was worried about the nutcracker. When the family was asleep Herr Drosselmeyer fixed the nutcracker. Clara woke up at 11:59 pm. At midnight she heard mice and she saw her nutcracker with no crack on its face and the size of a normal man. He fought with the mouse king and when the mouse king was about to kill the nutcracker Clara threw her slipper at the mouse king and then the nutcracker killed the mouse king. The nutcracker brought Clara to a magical world. He took her to a ballet and the main dancer was the sugar plum fairy that she put on top of her Christmas tree. When the ballet was over, the nutcracker gave Clara a wish for saving his life. Clara wished that she could dance as beautiful as the sugar plum fairy. So she danced arm and arm with the nutcracker and the nutcracker took her back home. When she was back home she saw her nutcracker was small again. At first she thought she was dreaming but she saw the nutcracker did not have a crack on its face.

Cookie Dough's Version:

When I woke up today I noticed it was already December, so I climbed up to the paintings (if you don't know what they are check my first post "Meet Cookie Dough") only to discover the paintings had nutcracker neighbors. I met the nutcrackers but for some reason they didn't speak to me. I got a toy gun and shouted "stand up and fight" because I remember the original story about the nutcracker who shot the mouse king. Rats are relatives to mice but for some reason these nutcrackers might think a rat's not as good as a mouse. I must defend myself, I quickly thought. I threw my gun down and shouted "Help!". My owners came running but only heard squeaks. I shouted "Help!" again but they put me in my cage. I shouted "don't ruin my fun with the nutcrackers". I climbed out of my cage and ran down one of my owners shirts because I was mad. He put me back in the cage locked the top and put something heavy on top but I escaped. I ran back to the nutcrackers and shouted "I must avenge the mouse king's death"! They didn't answer and for some reason for the first time I noticed that they weren't alive. Just in case they do come alive tonight at midnight I shouted : "Don't touch my nuts"! Then I went calmly back to my cage.
What do you think I will do for the nutcracker ballet this year? Check out this dance! yktk,ckcsnfkxswqhdrrfdsrtewsjktdresnjufdkesfhkujldcusrxfrdiujfsogfuxsdojguydftxsjx54ky76v5 47 gmvcdtfjt,fgvgmdrugj;d,vty;,b;oumvrt[y,eb9687987m h ;yupyui,t...y[po6iupi78oiuhtvighnrdfjckgmfnvbnhbvgbuyjnmngmhnjhhnmjmjgnhynlktge6jk9/

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Big World

It's been hard to sleep in the past couple of weeks because of "you-know-who" so to pass the time I tried to learn about the world. It gave me a big shock when I found out it was this big. I noticed people from remote places checking my blog from Sri Lanka, India, England, Germany, Italy and Holland (the Netherlands if you prefer). I wanted to try and find out where those places are so I could meet my followers and see what kind of cheeses they have there (lol).

I only got as far as the flags display. I wonder if I could make a paper airplane to take me far and wide, but I might need fuel. Maybe someone could get me fuel for my birthday (lol). My old owners are moving to Mexico but they couldn't get me a Visa whatever that is. I'll ask Santa for a big LEGO airplane (solar powered). I might need a Visa to go to Mongolia and also a little rat fur hat. I hope the airplane protects me from the owls because they freak me out in Harry Potter.

Despite my fears I am still ready for an adventure. And for all the readers out there remember it is a big world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Good Read

If you wonder what kept me busy I will tell you. Many people (and rats) are familiar with the Harry Potter series. In case you don't know check out what Wikipedia says about it. Anyways when I learned how to read I quickly chose to read Harry Potter book one "Harry Potter and the Sorcer's Stone". I read , and read ,and read ,and read ,and read and finally got to book five "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". Yikes! they get scarier and scarier as you accelerate in reading !!!!!!!!!!!!!(how scary is the seventh?) . I don't know if I should keep on reading because I get nightmares of dementors (Azkaban guards) attacking. Do you think I should take a break? If I do need a break how long should it be? I get the creeps from many nightmares .When will they go away?
My favorite character is Scabbers the rat who changes into a human in the third book (no need to tell the title) and becomes Vol-sorry you-know-who's servant and almost kills Harry in the fourth book . I wonder if I could charm myself to change into a human?

Then this blog will get real adventures!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Yea! I did't do the dnmrtgfbdbfrjmcsi thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Is this Sugar?

, What is this powdery white stuff? Is is sugar? Is it flour? Is it baby powder? Then what is it? I feel uncomfortable in this stuff. I get a little cold in it. I should call it cold powder. I was surprised to see cold powder falling out the window. At first I thought someone was on the roof throwing sugar balls which split in mid air. Do you like sugar? I do. When I went outside to taste it, it tasted like water and it was cold. This never happened in Arizona where I was born and raised. Since I've been adopted there are many changes I need to get use to. I guess cold powder is one of them.

If the cold powder is watery and cold it must be little ice flakes. The uses for it may be for packing together and making ice cubes for the freezer but it only falls once a year. It probably is used for just the impression of color (or lack of color). Or perhaps maybe for fun. I'm not sure if this should be for children fun or rat fun though. But it certainly isn't fun for me. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (that word was an easy

ihp (I keep forgetting not to do that)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I voted!

Everybody knows about election day even rats. Just in case here's a little background. You vote for the president as well as state school board, judges, propositions, etc. etc. In July before I was adopted I checked out a calender found out it was the year 2008. I remembered people would vote then (maybe rats too). So I decided to try and run for president, it never worked. So I decided to try and vote at least.

When I entered into the voting hall everybody thought I was just a wild rat and tried to catch me. I ran to the voting boxes and quickly voted. I think my dance moves went on the wrong candidate. I really don't know who I voted for. The computer box said I voted for ksajdgaljoierjgojk;l. I did that quickly because I knew you could write in anybody. But ksajdgaljoierjgojk;l is an alien name and to be president you have to be born in the United States or a natural born citizen. I felt embarrassed as I ran out dodging between people's legs and under their feet.

I found a sticker sheet that said "I voted" and took two stickers from it and stuck them on a toothpick end to end. I tried to make a sign to make a new amendment for rats to vote. Even though rats have no idea about politics, judges, presidential candidates, etc, etc, etc......

I hope in the future my decedents would be able to vote because if a rat could type a rat could vote. Rats can also help humans such as in the movie "Ratatouillie". I think rats could make good politicians.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!!!!!

Happy Halloween! In the picture you see I am trying to carve a pumpkin . I ate my way through the pumpkin after my owners opened it and scooped out the guts . I got into the pumpkin and ate a ghost shaped hole aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!, I still don't like ghosts . I can't believe I carved a Jack-o- Lantern! It actually tasted good.

I don't know if I'm dressing up for Trick-or-Treating but as you see I am dressed as a pumpkin up there (lol). If I did dress up I would dress up as "super rat" complete with a cape my size (lol). I don't want to go trick or treating because I don't like ghosts. I don't know if the neighbors would see me as a trick or treater they might just think I'm a trick.

Maybe my owners would share some candy........

jytvgyfdtjbgykovrtr6xdhlmsft;giorfoirhijkrguyf (I'm working on that)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Drawing with a rat

My owners didn't like the sound of me going on an adventure. So I decided I should stick with Rat School. I decided to start art but as you can see in the picture it is harder than I thought. They told me to do the lighter colors first then layer with the darker ones. That is why you see the purple crayon marks on top of all the other ones. You see the yellow is at the bottom.

I was really trying to draw a rainbow but I do not have good dexterity so you just see a scribble. Try to imagine other things that I was drawing. Maybe you could see a bird, fish, a triangular piece of cheese, or just a rainbow as I tried to draw.

I'm front left pawed but everything I try to do doesn't work even though I'm using the right paw. Maybe a little more practice would do it. As the saying goes, "practice makes perfect". I may try to master my talents instead of going on and on and on in education. Speaking of education I need to accelerate on everything if I am to become a famous Rat. That its self may be an adventure. I hope my readers can get good ideas from me.

adj;litawoeijt;aolkj;lkgj ;lkja;lkjdl (Sorry it happened again)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Where should I go?

I'm back but I was dreaming of adventure so sorry for not posting in the past few days. But where should I go? Indiana? Oklahoma? Arkansas? Michigan? still haven't decided. I just barely learned about states. Before it was adventurous to just go behind the computer. I don't want to go back there anymore.

It would take long to get to every state. Maybe even a lifetime because the average life span of a rat is 2 years (rat years). I've already been to Arizona because I was born and raised there. After I was adopted I ended up in Utah. My owners are talking about moving to Michigan. If they bring me there are 47 more to go. It is just hard to plan an adventure as a rat.

You see in the picture I am choosing between Oklahoma and Arkansas, for I have come down to those two states as my favorite state . Vote between the two for me. Please leave your choice on the comments.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Rats and Triangles

Sorry I haven't posted anything in the last couple days because I was busy accelerating on my math. Anyways I was so focused on my Math I forgot all about this whole blog. Whew - now I'm back. I was just learning about how to find the area of a triangle when I remembered this blog. What I learned was so interesting I thought I would blog about it. Whew- if it wasn't for my open mind then this blog would be virtually empty except for the last couple of posts.

Back to triangles now. You find the area of a triangle by multiplying the height by the length then divide the answer by 2 and then for example if the height were 3 inches and length 12, then you multiply 3 by 12 which equals 36 then divide that by 2 so it would be 18 sq inches. It looks like this: 3x12=36 36/2=18.

As a rat I may use this if I find a triangle of Swiss cheese. This formula will help me know how much Swiss cheese I should save for later. I wish I could also share some cheese with my family but I would have to find a piece at least 6 inches in height and 18 inches in length and 10 inches in width. Next I'm going to have to learn about 3 dimensional triangles and how to figure out their volume. But my next lesson is "Using a scale factor to solve ratio problems". I don't know how that will play in my life but goodbye - I'm looking for cheese.

alsdkjfaoituawoeitjhofkjga;lkgj sl (sorry that was me just scurrying away for cheese)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rat School

In the previous post I promised legible writing. Here it is! This morning I worked and learned how to spell and do math. The children taught me. They took me into their office/Art room and let me play with the magnets and chalk. My homework was to write down everything you see in the picture.

I was so distracted I ran behind the computer and wouldn't come out of a little crack. I was finally tempted with a bit of Nutella to poke my head out. They forced the rest of my body out with a long wooden yard stick (I said its long because I am only six inches long). After that I had to focus really hard on my school work.

I also got distracted by the crayons because I really wanted to draw a picture. I wanted to draw a self portrait. If I did draw a self portrait I would have to just draw an outline with a different color crayon because as you see I am a white rat. Perhaps I may do that for Art lessons. I may blog about that another day. Anyway, if I do, I would also have to take music, physical education, social studies, and spanish. For now I'm busy enough with just spelling and math. See you later

Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday, October 20th

Tooday I did'nt now the dat so I climed up here . Aaaaaaaahhhhhh a gost at the topp! Wat do you fink hi is doing up thier?jgwyd.gyjip47c5c%% Oops I'm sori abbout that, I wus just going to teel (sorry I ca'nt sell I mean spel I mean spell)you dat I donn't like gosts. Fforcive me foor missspeeling,I'm nott a godd speler . Nekst tim help mi spel meye wurds. Aniwas I don't now wat this(yea I spelled it right)means a teyeny bite . Evun wurse I can't spel. Bi an eksampllle ffoor meye sppeling aand bye.

lliooks lkiek todayee will gbbe a dlong dae fo spellling and tipinng praktis for mi. Did I menshon I am a homskooled rat/ I can promis mor leagabble wrighting in the postts two kom.

Here's a translation from my owners:

Today I did'nt know the date so I climbed up here . Aaaaaaaaahhhhh a ghost at the top! What do you think he is doing up there?jgwyd.gyjip47c5c%%Oops I'm sorry about that I was just going to tell you that I don't like ghosts . Forgive me for misspelling,I'm not a good speller . Next time help me spell my words . Anyways I don't know what this means a tiny bit . Even worse I can't spell .

Looks like today will be a long day of spelling and typing practice for me. Did I mention I am a homeschooled Rat? I can promise more legiable writing in the posts to come.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

More Adventures of Cookie Dough

I don't know why but (despite the title) I was really lazy this weekend. Above are some photos from Friday. Wheeeeeeeee I liked the stroller, I took a short ride on a skateboard (so short nobody could take a picture), I ran though the grass, and finally I sat on a fire hydrant where I tried to jump down. Hybdjvshxc sorry I just got scared and tried to run away, hgxcr sorry again. Good thing I'm not a f;lum (sorry that was just my tail) fire fighter. Perhaps I should look into a better profession. I suppose if I got begger - oops I meant better at typing I could be a newspaper writer. Whew - at least its the weekend and now I can redtu - I mean rest.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Rat on the Computer

If you are wondering how a Rat could actually be a blogger then you may want to read this. Today while I looking up Pet Rats on Wikipedia someone took a picture of me. You can't see my face because I was concentrating on what I was reading.

I always type the same way humans do by pressing down the letters. The only difference is I have four feet and I use my feet as humans would use their fingers. Sometimes my tail gets in the way so I try to use it on the space bar. I could also tap with my nose but it is a little bit slower. On the previous post I played the piano by just walking up and down the notes. Typing is not the same otherwise it might say qwertyuiop[]\. When I type I do more dancing around than walking yet I have to memorize one dance cue for each word which makes it more difficult for a Rat to type than a human.

You may wonder how I form each sentence and compose my ideas. It is pretty simple besides Rats are pretty smart.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A New Talent

Today I was being a little lazy because the family was cooking bagels . Suddenly a boy let me out of the cage (but I just felt more lazy). Finally I became active and ran through the paintings ,went in the fireplace(still no fire), scurried around the floor where I got lost, and went on the piano (Humans make playing the piano look easy!). But I did play a song. Then I went downstairs. What is down there? I thought, I have never been down there. I enjoyed running under the beds but I got caught and was brought back upstairs. What I enjoyed most was playing the piano even though I can barely play a song. Maybe one of the boys will give me piano lessons because I have no idea what those dots in that book are for. Playing the piano could be a new talent for me.

Meet Cookie Dough

The day I was adopted I was let out of the cage to explore. First I hid behind some paintings, then I tried to hide in the fireplace (don't worry - no fire there), then after a few restful moments in my cage during which time I gave myself a bath from the people germs, a little boy came. He asked if I could get out of the cage. I was soon able to get out of my cage again this time I scurried under the couch, along the window sill, up the stairs, and along the piano where I played my first song. At that point another boy came. He enjoyed watching me with all the other kids. I went back through the paintings, on a chair, and on the couch where I peed. After that I was set back in my cage for the night. I think I might like my new home. Join me again for more adventures.