Monday, February 16, 2009
Farewell my Friends
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Rat Wishes
Every knows I'm a rat but what you don't know is rats have wishes too. I've heard humans wish on stars or in fountains but I make a wish whenever a human passes by my cage. That is on average (okay I got to figure it out), 8 humans in a 3,200 sq ft house, on average 64 wishes a day. Here are some of my wishes:
- I want to be a human
- I want to live in a mansion with my old owners in Mexico
- I want to speak to humans in many languages
- I want to run for President
- I want to write a book
- I want to visit the moon
- I want to travel the world
- I want a gallon of ice cream
- I want to be a famous pianist
Lastly, I would like to cook just like I've seen rats do in the movies. You see a picture of me above in a little kitchen. The only problem is all the food is wood and plastic and there is no running water or electricity to the appliances. I don't know how a rat could cook in a place like that, I don't even think a human could. Maybe I'll try the real kitchen when all the humans are sleeping. I could surprise them with a good breakfast, but I don't know how not to pass germs. But maybe I'm not so full of germs and I should give it a try.
One more wish, I want a chef hat and apron asgjalgkj'aerkpjg'ealkghj'ldfg.sdfgjsldfh..h.hkjl (I smell smoke I've got to run and check if something is burning)
p.s. this is my first wordful wednesday and it is fun
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Ice Cream
S-Sorry abou-ut not po-posting be-be-caus-se I-I've been e-eating i-ice cream. Wher-e's the h-heater?
It was cold in that tub of ice cream but now I'm all better. I don't think I should eat ice cream in January but I couldn't resist this because I saw my name on it. It inspired me to write the poem. I think summer is more appropriate for eating ice cream. My owners don't know how the tub got in the garbage or who ate it all. They are blaming two little girls with a sweet tooth.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Websters II Dictionary
Happy New Year amigos! At least I have good Spanish so I should have gone to Mexico with my original owners.
One of my new years resolutions is to learn new words, because in Harry Potter there are words I don't know such as, Riddikulus, Impimedia, Wingardium Levosia, Crucio, Prefectus Totalus, Expelliarmus, Scourgify, and many more. I don't think they are words because the Dictionary does'nt say so. I actually found words such as flabbergast, quagmire, courtesy and profusion that were of interest to me. You may notice my vocabulary improve.
I think I got hungry as the lower picture says!!!! For rats, books aren't only good for reads but also tempting snacks!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Merry 361 days before christmas!
Monday, December 22, 2008
What's in Here?
Look! Today I found a giant sock hanging over my cage. It looked cozy so I climbed into it. It was cozy but there was nothing in it. When I looked up I saw about 10 more hanging so I decided to go in each one to see how cozy they were. I knew Santa was suppose to put presents in them but maybe I'm too early. I might need to check the calender again.
Okay I'm back. I just checked the calender and today is the 22nd of December so I think I'm about 3 days early for checking those hanging socks. Maybe on Christmas Eve I'll sleep as my own sock as a pillow and dream about what I will find in it. I hope it is something to chew on, I haven't had something to chew on for ages.
Quick I better get out of here before Santa comes .kajodlkfja;lgijaoigja;oerij
Thursday, December 11, 2008
O Christmas Tree O Christmas Tree You Never Saw A Rat
Friday, December 5, 2008
Big Ball
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The Nutcracker
In a little house on the horizon there was a family with two children, Clara and Fritz. They were having a Christmas Eve party and their god-father Herr Drosselmeyer was to be there soon. When he came the family was so excited. He gave Fritz the present but unfortunately he did not give Clara a present. She asked him for a present but he didn't answer. Soon he took out a toy nutcracker and showed her how to use it. He put a nut in its mouth then lowered his hand on his head and the nut cracked. Fritz wanted to try it. He put a nut in its mouth and slammed his hand upon its head. The nut did crack but a crack also went down the nutcracker's face. Clara was worried about the nutcracker. When the family was asleep Herr Drosselmeyer fixed the nutcracker. Clara woke up at 11:59 pm. At midnight she heard mice and she saw her nutcracker with no crack on its face and the size of a normal man. He fought with the mouse king and when the mouse king was about to kill the nutcracker Clara threw her slipper at the mouse king and then the nutcracker killed the mouse king. The nutcracker brought Clara to a magical world. He took her to a ballet and the main dancer was the sugar plum fairy that she put on top of her Christmas tree. When the ballet was over, the nutcracker gave Clara a wish for saving his life. Clara wished that she could dance as beautiful as the sugar plum fairy. So she danced arm and arm with the nutcracker and the nutcracker took her back home. When she was back home she saw her nutcracker was small again. At first she thought she was dreaming but she saw the nutcracker did not have a crack on its face.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
A Big World
I only got as far as the flags display. I wonder if I could make a paper airplane to take me far and wide, but I might need fuel. Maybe someone could get me fuel for my birthday (lol). My old owners are moving to Mexico but they couldn't get me a Visa whatever that is. I'll ask Santa for a big LEGO airplane (solar powered). I might need a Visa to go to Mongolia and also a little rat fur hat. I hope the airplane protects me from the owls because they freak me out in Harry Potter.
Despite my fears I am still ready for an adventure. And for all the readers out there remember it is a big world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
A Good Read
My favorite character is Scabbers the rat who changes into a human in the third book (no need to tell the title) and becomes Vol-sorry you-know-who's servant and almost kills Harry in the fourth book . I wonder if I could charm myself to change into a human?
Friday, November 7, 2008
Is this Sugar?
If the cold powder is watery and cold it must be little ice flakes. The uses for it may be for packing together and making ice cubes for the freezer but it only falls once a year. It probably is used for just the impression of color (or lack of color). Or perhaps maybe for fun. I'm not sure if this should be for children fun or rat fun though. But it certainly isn't fun for me. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (that word was an easy
ihp (I keep forgetting not to do that)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I voted!
When I entered into the voting hall everybody thought I was just a wild rat and tried to catch me. I ran to the voting boxes and quickly voted. I think my dance moves went on the wrong candidate. I really don't know who I voted for. The computer box said I voted for ksajdgaljoierjgojk;l. I did that quickly because I knew you could write in anybody. But ksajdgaljoierjgojk;l is an alien name and to be president you have to be born in the United States or a natural born citizen. I felt embarrassed as I ran out dodging between people's legs and under their feet.
I found a sticker sheet that said "I voted" and took two stickers from it and stuck them on a toothpick end to end. I tried to make a sign to make a new amendment for rats to vote. Even though rats have no idea about politics, judges, presidential candidates, etc, etc, etc......
I hope in the future my decedents would be able to vote because if a rat could type a rat could vote. Rats can also help humans such as in the movie "Ratatouillie". I think rats could make good politicians.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!
I don't know if I'm dressing up for Trick-or-Treating but as you see I am dressed as a pumpkin up there (lol). If I did dress up I would dress up as "super rat" complete with a cape my size (lol). I don't want to go trick or treating because I don't like ghosts. I don't know if the neighbors would see me as a trick or treater they might just think I'm a trick.
Maybe my owners would share some candy........
jytvgyfdtjbgykovrtr6xdhlmsft;giorfoirhijkrguyf (I'm working on that)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Drawing with a rat
I was really trying to draw a rainbow but I do not have good dexterity so you just see a scribble. Try to imagine other things that I was drawing. Maybe you could see a bird, fish, a triangular piece of cheese, or just a rainbow as I tried to draw.
I'm front left pawed but everything I try to do doesn't work even though I'm using the right paw. Maybe a little more practice would do it. As the saying goes, "practice makes perfect". I may try to master my talents instead of going on and on and on in education. Speaking of education I need to accelerate on everything if I am to become a famous Rat. That its self may be an adventure. I hope my readers can get good ideas from me.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Where should I go?
I'm back but I was dreaming of adventure so sorry for not posting in the past few days. But where should I go? Indiana? Oklahoma? Arkansas? Michigan? still haven't decided. I just barely learned about states. Before it was adventurous to just go behind the computer. I don't want to go back there anymore.
It would take long to get to every state. Maybe even a lifetime because the average life span of a rat is 2 years (rat years). I've already been to Arizona because I was born and raised there. After I was adopted I ended up in Utah. My owners are talking about moving to Michigan. If they bring me there are 47 more to go. It is just hard to plan an adventure as a rat.
You see in the picture I am choosing between Oklahoma and Arkansas, for I have come down to those two states as my favorite state . Vote between the two for me. Please leave your choice on the comments.